Take a Walk with Us!
Our "Walk With the Arborist" series is a way for you to see, first hand, what it is like to go hiking with an arborist! The idea came to me when we were climbing Mt. Chocorua, and we set off climbing, what was expected to be a nine hour hike. As we began, Scott stopped every few yards to point out something interesting in the forest. These were great facts, but I knew we'd never finish the hike before sundown if we didn't get moving!
Not wanting to squash his enthusiasm for sharing little known facts about the trees, we did find a way to cover lots of mileage AND stories, but in the process I realized I shouldn't be the only one who benefits from these great tidbits of information.
And so.... A Walk With the Arborist was born. I now insist on filming Scott as he serves as tour guide to the trees. And you can be right there with us - bathing in nature and capturing the stories that the forest wants to tell us.
I invite you to join us on all of our walks - posted on our You Tube channel, Instagram, our website blog, and right here on this page.
Happy Hiking! -- Jen McPhee