No Mow May!
Did you know that taking a break from mowing for just one month provides a big boost of support for our pollinators? The beginning of the growing season offers important pollen and nectar to emerging pollinators. By holding off on the mowing, an abundance of food becomes available that gives pollinators a jump start on health.
We totally get that change is hard - and this just might be a leap people are not yet willing to take. The momentum is building, however, and this practice of "letting things go" for a month is really catching on. If you want to support the movement, you can help others understand that this is a "real thing" and you haven't just gotten lazy! Consider putting a sign in your yard that explains all of the good you are doing. You just might inspire someone else to do the same!
In no way are we suggesting you break up with your lawn company! We're all about supporting our fellow green industry professionals. If you want to support NMM and your lawn maintenance company at the same time, you can consider just a smaller mowed area, a mowed walking path through the higher grass, some time spent on prepping other garden areas, or maybe just a paid month off:) This should be a win win win for our planet, our people AND our pollinators!
NOT QUITE READY TO GO FULL TILT ON NO MOW MAY? THAT'S OKAY! Even if you aren't ready to take a full leap, you can support No Mow May in smaller ways, by carving out a small area of your yard left to grow wild, or creating planters with lots of pollinator friendly plants. Every small step during this critical time in the season, supports a healthier ecosystem.
As practices like No Mow May become more mainstream, we naturally gain a greater awareness of our human impact on the environment. Knowledge is always our best ally in making progress. Here are some tidbits of info to get your creative juices flowing!
TIMES ARE CHANGING While the sprawling green lawn has been a sign of prosperity in the US since colonial times, we are now seeing a shift toward broader, more regenerative uses of our land. Innovative lawn alternatives that put less stress on the environment and support natural habitats are gaining momentum and redefining "beauty" in the landscape.
DIVERSITY IS KEY What we have come to know as the perfectly manicured green lawn, is often a single species of grass, also known as a monoculture. By choosing a blend of different grass varieties, each will share the burden of environmental stressors. Taking the pressure off of one variety to thrive in all conditions improves the chance of survival and lessens the need for human or chemical input.
ENCOURAGE CO-DEPENDENCY Micro-clover is a smaller variety of white clover is an excellent choice to mix into a lawn. It naturally adds nitrogen required for healthy grass, reducing the need for artificial fertilizers. The bonus? Pollinators are attracted to its tiny white flowers!
GET CREATIVE! Carving out small areas for pollinator gardens, rain gardens, raised beds, or wildflower fields provide great diversity and visual complements to your existing landscape canvas.